Tuesday 6 October 2009

It's all in the victim ...

2DAY FM Vile Files ... they have "been accused of routinely exploiting children and the disadvantaged for ratings" ... blurts the Daily Tele ...

which is where I ponder, if you 'exploit' a middle aged, able-bodied, white, rich guy, is he even exploited? Or is he unexploitable ...?


  1. ....and also, aren't ratings reliant on listeners? Should not the listeners of these radio shows take a share of the criticism?

  2. Maybe he's traumatised by his working class background, or suffers from a debilitating case of sex addiction, or something like that. The victim is all in the way you frame the language - and once you open up the dictionary of victimisation, you'll find it's very long, complicated, and nebulous indeed.

  3. Dan, I believe so. But a lot of people want to blame Kyle and Jackie O for the show not their own taste!

    Especially some people who will jump up and down about it and then either admit that they are one of the listeners or that they are commenting without real knowledge of what they are commenting on!
