Tuesday 11 March 2008

The Lady and The Chocolate

I recently read a book called The Lady and The Chocolate by Edward Monkton, of which there is an excerpt written on this mug .

I am chocolate's reaon for existing.

I have been fulfilling chocolate each time I have bitten into it. By eationg chocolate, I have performed a service of goodness words cannot fully describe. I, as a chocoholic, ought to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

This book made me feel validated.

Oh I feel sooooo gooood.

I went out and browsed the chocolate Easter egg and bunny section.

1 comment:

Maria said...

You can kind of see the mug in this picture; if you click on the link you can read the excerpt properly. If you go to the store and read the book (it only takes a couple of minutes in the store!) you can read the book from beginning to end. It did so much for me.