Saturday 9 December 2006

Find Me A Waitress ...

‘Waitstaff’. One of those words that ought to be stripped and whipped and shamed from public usage.

Whatever happened to ‘Waiters’ and ‘Waitresses’? No one nowadays seems to want their genitalia acknowledged in their job, except for nurses, who are quick to tell you whether they’re a “nurse” or a “male nurse” (I vote for ‘nurser’ and ‘nursess’). Has gender become a dirty word recently? Out yourself and be proud, I say.

A friend said to me recently, “When someone tells me they’re going to be ‘Chair’, I feel like saying, ‘Can I sit on you?’”. I empathise. Except I don’t have an overwhelming desire to sit on people as he does, for which reason he shall remain anonymous.

Every time I hear the word ‘Waitstaff’, I expect this.

Person: … waitstaff …
Staff Member: I’m waiting, what next?

Person: … waitstaff …
Staff Member: Ninety-two kilos, but I’m planning on losing some.

You can’t even tell an ancient but somewhat classic fly-in-my-soup joke, as calling out “Waitstaff, waitstaff, there’s a fly …” seems far too idiotic for words … which may be the reason why the word was introduced in the first place.


righteous said...

I hadn't realised that if I called someone a 'waitress' I would be addressing their genitalia. I suppose though that if said tackle werr egnuinely on display, it would be at eye level in the usual cafe ordering position. Probably why nude waiters (genderless) will never catch on.

Maria said...

Genderless nude waiters ... now that'd be an innovation. Wonder whether the gimmick of "eunuch crotch-waggling" would entice you or put you off your morning coffee...